The Surprising Link Between ADHD and Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is related to ADHD because of all the commentary you’ve received over your life that’s built up and been internalized, and you think there’s something wrong with me because you don’t even have a diagnosis.

Video Transcript

I was reading a story and something went off. Self-esteem is related to ADHD because of all the commentary you’ve received over your life that’s built up and been internalized, and you think there’s something wrong with me because you don’t even have a diagnosis.

People have been hearing, oh, you’re not doing that fast enough, or where’s that, or why didn’t you do it right the first time? Issues with focus or deadlines or whatever it is, that’s actually an ADHD symptom. They just blame on you.

Girls often tend to exhibit the inattentive side of ADHD. They don’t have the hyperactivity that is more typical in boys. Doctors don’t recognize it, and so they say, “Oh, you just have anxiety.”

If you’ve internalized all these kind of comments over the years, if you’re not doing something right or you couldn’t hit this deadline or X, Y, Z, whatever it is, there’s nothing wrong with you. There’s nothing wrong with you. You might have ADHD, but you’re going to find out how to manage that and how to cope and how to be awesome.

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