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15 Signs of Depression That Are Easy to Overlook

Depression got you down all day? Or up all night? Symptoms of depression go beyond sadness. Here are 15 signs that your mental health is begging for attention.

Depression is associated with sadness, hopelessness, or a lack of interest in daily life. But the signs can be much more subtle, manifesting in unexpected ways. Aches, pains, sleeplessness …  you gotta poop? All can be a calling card of depression too. Here are 15 signs of depression that may surprise you.

Surprising Sign #1: You Can’t Shake Your Cold

If your immune system is running on fumes, it could be a mental health issue. Low serotonin, often associated with depression, can weaken your immune system, allowing colds or flu to find footing. A cold that lingers or frequent bouts of sickness could be a sign your mental health needs attention, says Scott Dehorty, LCSW-C, a licensed clinical social worker at Delphi Behavioral Health in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Surprising Sign #2: Your Digestive System Is in Shambles

Your gut produces 90 percent of your body’s serotonin (who knew?). If you’re experiencing bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or other digestive issues without any obvious cause, it could be related to depression. Stress hormones like cortisol can further upset your digestive system, exacerbating these symptoms. “Elevated cortisol, on its own, is linked to depression.” says integrative medicine physician Sara Gottfried, M.D., author of The Hormone Cure.

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Surprising Sign #3: Pain Is, Er, More Painful

Depression can make you more sensitive to pain. If you’re experiencing more headaches, back pain, or menstrual cramps than usual, it could be your body’s way of signaling mental distress. “When you have depression, there is sometimes a shift that mental health professionals call a vital sense change,” says Dehorty. “That means you actually feel sensations in your body in a different way than you did in the past.”

Surprising Sign #4: You Sleep Excessively—or Not at All

Irregular sleep patterns are a common symptom of depression. That could mean sleeping too much or battling insomnia night after night. “When your sleep is unpredictable, not only can that negatively affect your daily mood, but it can absolutely be a sign of depression,” says Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D., professor of psychiatry and director of the University of Michigan Depression Center. “It can also make your depression worse over time.”

Surprising Sign #5: You Struggle with Personal Hygiene

If basic tasks like showering or brushing your teeth feel overwhelming, it may be depression. A lack of motivation to maintain your personal hygiene is a physical sign of how deeply depression can impact your daily life. Dehorty points out that this may show up in greasy skin, body odor, or acne, which are often overlooked but important signals.

Surprising Sign #6: You’re Gaining or Losing Weight for Seemingly No Reason

Depression often messes with your relationship with food, leading to sudden weight changes. You may find yourself eating more for comfort or losing your appetite entirely. This fluctuation is often tied to emotional distress, even if you don’t consciously recognize it.

Surprising Sign #7: You Can’t Make Decisions

If you find it difficult to concentrate or make simple decisions—like what to eat or wear—it could be a sign of depression. Mental fog and indecisiveness are often byproducts of the cognitive disruption depression brings. “Decision-making became a huge issue,” explains one Mental reader. “I couldn’t make up my mind about big and small things, from choosing an ice cream flavor to deciding whether or not I wanted to be a mom.”

Surprising Sign #8: You’re Overly Feisty

Depression doesn’t always present as sadness. In fact, irritability and frustration can be strong indicators. If you find yourself feeling more irritable than usual—or more easily annoyed—depression might be messing with your mood.

Surprising Sign #9: You’re Not Enjoying Your Hobbies

One hallmark of depression is a lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed. In fact, that question is part of the standardized depression assessment that medical professionals use. If your hobbies and passions no longer excite you, or you struggle to find joy in what used to make you happy, it’s worth paying attention to these emotional shifts.

Surprising Sign #10: Your Performance at Work or School Is Eh at Best

Depression can disrupt your ability to perform at your best, whether in your career or studies. If you find yourself struggling to meet deadlines, focus on tasks, or complete assignments, depression could be affecting your productivity in ways you don’t realize.

Surprising Sign #11: You Prefer Being Alone

Do you find yourself canceling plans with friends or avoiding social gatherings more than usual? Depression can lead to isolation because social interactions feel exhausting or overwhelming. While everyone needs alone time, persistent social withdrawal could be a sign of a mental health issue.

Surprising Sign #12: You’re Disconnecting from Family

Romantic and familial relationships can suffer when you’re battling depression. Feelings of detachment or irritability may cause strain in your closest relationships. Depression can also dampen your desire for intimacy, leading to a lack of connection with your partner.

Surprising Sign #13: You Feel Excessive Guilt or Shame

Do you frequently feel guilty for things that aren’t your fault, or ashamed of how you’re feeling? Depression can amplify negative emotions, creating a cycle where you blame yourself for your mental health struggles, which in turn worsens the depression.

Surprising Sign #14: Your Personal Appearance Is Low Priority

If you find that you no longer care about your appearance—dressing nicely, doing your hair, wearing jewelry—it might be a sign of depression. While everyone has days where they’re less motivated, a prolonged lack of interest could signal a deeper issue.

Surprising Sign #15: You Feel Constant Fatigue

Feeling exhausted, even after getting enough sleep, is a common yet often unnoticed symptom of depression. This fatigue can feel overwhelming, making it difficult to get through your day or complete even the simplest tasks. Depression impacts your energy levels, leaving you feeling drained both physically and mentally.

When to Seek Help

Depression doesn’t always show up in the ways we expect. It’s important to recognize these subtle and sometimes surprising signs so that you or your loved ones can seek help when needed. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your primary care doctor or a therapist.

READ NEXT: The Complete Guide to Depression for Women

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