

Unexpected aromatherapy, soothing products for skin and soul, and better-sleep remedies that really slap.

Texture Stickers

Reusable stickers that web designer Laura keeps on her laptop “as a tactile reminder to stay in the moment.” Rub or scratch the gritty surface to, as the brand’s founder puts it, ground yourself through touch.


Puffy Eyes Fix

Late-night anxiety results in perpetually puffy eyes—thank you, next. This instantly cooling vegan eye balm is perfecto to lay over eye cream and feel confident those bags are taken care of. With a dose of perking caffeine.

Meditation App

Better ZZZs = less anxiety. Flutist Elizabeth “loooves” Aura’s hypnosis tracks. “I never get to the end…which is a good thing. When I use them consistently, I definitely notice a difference in my sleep.”

Tangle Toy

Teacher assistant Kat uses a tangle toy to calm her down when she’s anxious. This one, from a series of nine (mostly chic) prints, doesn’t look like it belongs in a first grader’s desk—goal, achieved.

Noise-Reducing Earplugs

If sensory overload is overwhelming you or making you spin, this silicone set blocks out 27 decibels of noise, feels soft in your ears, and happens to match the hue of our favorite Essie nail polish (Mint Candy Apple!).

Ice Face Roller

Throw this gel massager in your freezer for 10 minutes, then run it up and down your face in the morning, before bed, or, as one woman does, when you feel an anxiety episode percolating. Cooling + pressure therapy also helps de-puff undereye bags and reduce swelling after a crying jag—or a night of disrupted sleep.

Medication Keychain

So what if it’s made for pot? This lil clay trinket is the most whimsical way to carry mental health meds with you when you’re on the go. Open the mushroom cap to access your pills.

Weighted Stuffed Animal

Weighted blanket, but make it a teddy bear. Lay with this lil man on your chest and feel the “deep touch pressure,” which tricks your nervous system into releasing calming hormones (no scam, actual science!). Plus, published research shows teddy cuddles can soothe existential fears oh hey GIMME HUGS.

Solid Moisturizer

This innovative orb turns body moisturizing into a relaxing ritual: As you run the cocoa butter-rich “stone” over your skin, it deposits soothing, non-greasy oils—and the experience of it all is so calming. Plus, it’s infused with bergamot oil, which one study found to be a slayer of stress.

Bath Oil

“In a hot bath, with the lights off and a candle lit, this makes your limbs feel like they’re 5,000 pounds. Like you’re under a weighted blanket,” says editor Maura. “I use it any time of day to calm the F down.”

Skin Soother

When her skin started peeling off from intense work anxiety, one reader slathered this balmy mask on before bed and left it each night. With algae and vitamin E to hydrate, and comfrey root and green tea to soothe, it ate up her skin flakes—and the silky texture feels divine. All you need is a dab.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

According to one 2003 baby, “listening to music helps my anxiety, because I’m focusing on the music and not my emotions. Comfy headphones rule.” Apple’s are shiny, space-age-y, and cancel noise like no other.

Cleansing Balm

“It’s rich and buttery, with honey for moisture. I find the act of scooping it out and massaging it to be very calming—the way it melts into the skin, dissolving impurities but also somehow stress.” —Jolene

Magnesium Spray

Three sprays to the skin delivers 45 mg of magnesium, said to reduce muscle tension. “A doctor recommended a magnesium supplement for my insomnia. The science isn’t fantastic, but this spray helps me.” —Sarah

Facial Massager

More satisfying than a squeaky jade roller, with a no-fridge-needed cooling effect thanks to the gold-plated tip, which also vibrates. When the stress headaches come on, so does this face massager.

Citrus-Scented Candle

“This candle helps calm my mind when I’m anxious or lifts me out of a funky mood. The box unfolds like origami, and the orange, mango, and goji berry blend is zippy and summery, triggering thoughts of my favorite season. The painting—a smattering of butterflies in mid-flight—is a gentle reminder that no moment is forever.” —Theresa

Aromatherapy Roll-On

An alternative for those who aren’t into lavender: This little rollerball dispenses a mix of jasmine, geranium, and cypress essential oils—heavy on the jasmine scent—claiming to “ease irritated spirits” (we see a meme developing…). One reader stashes it in her desk and applies it like perfume to calm angst.

Weighted Blanket

Based on the concept of deep pressure touch—often used to soothe kids with autism—weighted blankets are backed by limited research that they calm anxiety. Real world? One Mental-it loves this 15-pounder for relaxing a racing mind at night. Plus, it’s totally machine-washable, so no added stress there.

Pore Cleanser

The pore-degunking charcoal+menthol may zap your skin with tingles, but it leaves your mind at ease. There’s something about feeling it working that jolts you into the present moment and allows you to focus on something other than how anxious you are. Plus, it helps thwart zits—a whole other type of stress.

Big-Pieces Puzzle

“A puzzle I can put together quickly—stress-reducing,” says one reader. This artsy image of frozen delights is made up of 300 pieces, 33 percent larger than typical ones. Comes in a succulents option, too!

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